5 Tips on Succeeding as a Solopreneur



Today we talk about some of the strategic foundation and creative ways you go about building a business, paired with the consistency you show in following through on the tasks that will make you one of the success stories.

Here are five things you can do today and every day after to ensure you move forward in your business.

#1 – What Makes your Business Stand out from the Competition

If you’ve gotten in the bad habit of being a cookie cutter replica of every other successful marketer before you, stop it! They may tell you it’s good advice, but the truth is, consumers don’t need a knock off – they need another genuine niche leader to come onto the scene and give them something they want.

You don’t have to worry about coming out with some mind-blowing, life-altering concept that will upend the world. What you need to think about it how you can teach your niche topic in a way that’s unique to you.

For example, you might be one of the only (or few) marketers using a certain media format, like podcast episodes or video instead of text. Maybe you deliver information in a hybrid way, or record “over the shoulder” tutorials so they can see the steps in action.

You might be the kind of marketer who is a strategic risk taker, doing something ahead of the curve before anyone else thinks of it. There’s always someone leading the way – why not you?

Spend time being creative, but also pay attention to how you can put a twist on the usual way of doing or teaching things. Sometimes, a small tweak or change can bring a lot of attention to your business.

Another thing you can do to set yourself apart from the competition is to simply stay informed about the recent news and trends. Only a handful of people tend to do this – most wait until everyone’s talking about something to then jump onboard onto the new idea.

Use keyword research tools and look for specific ways in which your audience is looking for information so that you can deliver on it. Your business will perform better if you arm yourself with the right tools for niche insight.

#2 – Be Consistent in your Marketing

If there’s one thing customers dislike it is people who disappear on them. Whether it’s your blog, email autoresponder, or even your product launches – they want to follow people (leaders) who they know will be there for them in the coming months and years.

Being consistent with your publishing is the only way to do that. You should be planning to publish to your blog at least 2-3 times per week, if not daily. You should be doing the same with your email list.

Avoiding your people because you don’t feel like you have anything important to publish is only going to make them abandon you. If you don’t have any ideas, get creative and look for some!

Your social media might even warrant more attention, such as daily or up to three times per day, depending on which platform you’re using. For example, TikTok users like to post about triple what a Facebook user does.

What about your product launches? It’s always a good idea to have something in the hopper for your paying customers. When one product launches, be ready with an idea for the next one – and notify your affiliates so they can get prepared with a bonus, too!

If you need help meeting all of these publishing demands, there are some other routes you can go. First, repurpose your content in different ways – such as posting it on your blog, in an email, and on social profiles.

You can also repurpose it into different media formats, turning text into images, videos and audio and vice versa. If you exhaust those resources, you can also delete (outsource) your content creation to freelance ghostwriters – or even purchase readymade PLR (private label rights) content to fill the gaps.

#3 – Have a Crossover Strategy in Place for Maximum Results

Make sure you consider some strategic crossover options for your business. Successful marketers are always looking for ways to weave other business models or niches into their existing business.

For example, if you’re in the stress niche you might weave in content and products for things like sleep or weight loss, since both of those are directly linked to stress.

Or, you can take your existing business model and start crossing over into other areas. If you currently create info product courses about online marketing, for example, you might extend into selling PLR on the topic, or add a coaching business model to the mix.

#4 – Maximize your Offers by using Funnels

Funnels are one of the ways experienced marketers make a lot more money than those who are new. They know to have a low-end front offer that hooks people, and a funnel of additional upsells that help them (and their affiliates) earn more. You can use consider doing horizontal funnels of products similar to give your customers a lot of choice.

Each tier in the funnel should increase in cost and value. You never want to make an upsell a requirement in order for a lower tier to work because this frustrates the consumer – especially if they can’t afford to level up.

#5 – Reduce Negative Mindset

No one is a bigger saboteur than yourself when it comes to achieving online marketing success. There are three things you can do to help you get the level you’re aiming for.

A. Develop your Positive Mindset
First, work on your mindset. If you lack confidence, take steps to improve that. Whether it’s using positive affirmations or guided visualization – whatever will help you believe in your abilities, you need to do.

B. Be Open to New Ideas by always learning new things
Second, get involved in active learning. When you’re learning, you’re growing, and nothing can stop your momentum. You don’t want to get left behind when it comes to niche knowledge or technology and strategies, so take time to keep up with changes.

C. Develop Relationships with other Businesses by Networking
And lastly, put a networking system in place to support you so that you’re not conducting your business in isolation and struggling alone. The people you network with aren’t just prospective affiliates.

They’re the colleagues who are able to help when you have a question about a plugin or tactic and no coworkers to turn to. They’re the people you’ll also be helping when they need some insight, too. They’re the people who you can collaborate with to do email swaps or product launches.

While you might think that a step-by-step blueprint or tons of money for high end coaches are necessary for achieving success as a digital marketer, all that is really required is an abundance of drive and determination to propel you forward with your business plan in hand.

You need to know your WHY to help drive you every day through business challenges and successes. With a business plan, you can keep on track and grow your business. You can get the basic principles to building your business at Build your Business -Implement and Grow free trainings to keep you implementing in your business here.