Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is considered one of the best speakers, a business consultant and personal development coach. He’s the primary contributor to the “Secret”, a New York Times bestseller, and has published several novels and personal development programs. He has focused his work on helping people use the power of their mind, form rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness for over 40 years.

Proctor is the author of the bestselling book “You Were Born Rich”. He said that “Change is constant and inevitable, but personal growth is a choice”. He achieved so much success from using the principles in “The Science of Getting Rich”. He also states that wealth is not just about money and shows his students how to be better in all areas of their lives.

Proctor is now traveling around the world and teaching thousands of people how to believe in and act upon the power of their own minds. Watch one of his motivational videos below and learn more from Bob Proctor.
